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If you would like further information on these bulls please just click on the Pedigree box for a link to their EPD's. 

Gelbvieh Sire


All American offers exceptional quality and breed leading EPDs as he ranks in the Top 1% for RE, MARB and FPI, Top 3% for YW and Top 5% for WW

Black Angus Sires

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Connealy Legendary He offer as much BW to WW spread as any bull in the breed with a MH EPD of a moderate +0.1!



among highly proven sires for acceptable calving ease with elite growth.

SAV Final Answer, one of the breeds most prolific, popular bulls of all time. Because of his proven calving ease, exceptional performance, ribeye area, maternal strength, and beautiful progeny of both sexes. He sires more body depth, muscle and fleshing ability than most calving ease sires. He is the sire of several of our bull and heifer calves as well as the sire of TANK, the A.I. Balancer bull we use.



Basin Payweight 1682  offers proven calving ease with exceptional performance, body mass, and phenotype.  Semen is always in short supply because of the high demand.

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Poss Rawhide Rawhide’s early progeny data are excellent, with consistent reports of superior calving ease, growth, and Angus character. He combines elite levels of performance with disciplined stature and mature size projections. Rawhide possesses outstanding genetic and physical quality that can leave a lasting impact.

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HA Cowboy UP The Number 1 sire of progeny registered by the American Angus Association in FY2019 that ranked Number 3 in FY2018 and Number 8 in FY2020, Cowboy Up progeny have been popular with all who have them.


Musgrave Stunner 316 Admired by many for the width, dimension, and structural correctness he maintains in a well balanced package.

E&B Plus One Quite possibly the most widely-used yearling bull of 2019, this $68,000 top-selling bull of the 2019 Benoit sale in Kansas is an extra thick and deep son of the very popular Confidence Plus, and he has been a special favorite of visitors at ORIgen since his arrival there.

Tehama Tahoe Tahoe is an exciting new calving ease sire with explosive growth, ranking in the top 1 percent for CED and 5 percent for WW

Check out our two most used sires this year. View our catalog of bulls by clicking on the blue square above. 

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